Sunday, March 2, 2008

Spring is just around the corner!

It was a beautiful weekend!
Bricen riding his 4-wheeler!

Bricen was having a ball riding his 4-wheeler. He was so glad his daddy got home in time to enjoy the great weather with us. We spent a good bit of the afternoon outside!

Bricen parked all his cars and trucks in his garage. He loves playing with his garage that Santa brought him.

Bricen enjoying the beautiful weather. It was a little chilly with the windy blowing. We are so ready for the weather to be warmer and stay that way. I am afraid it's still to early for it to stay warm.

Albert had his test today for his fire training that he has been doing for the past 5 weekends and he passed both parts the written and the skills. We are so happy that daddy is done for now! He can be voted in this week to become a full time member of the Bethel Fire Department. They seem like a really supportive department and a great group of guys. Albert has gotten to know so many more people. His mom bought him this flag and we hung it outside.


Amy's Journal

Hey I was cking on Renee in the blog world and uploading my pics from today and the wedding.. Glad ya'll had fun outside today too... Wasn't it awesome. We had a ball.. It was like Marli's first real time playing outside.. She ate grass and dirt and liked it. ha ha . They played at Gigi and Pop Pops house till 1:00 then I met them halfway and went to my Daddys on the way back and played there from 2:30 till 6:00 then home and baths.. It wasn't windy at my daddys wonder if it was all those trees on you grandfathers land.. At one point we got warm.. ? It said 67 at daddys and thats near what we keep our house set on so the day was perfect! Can't wait for more of those so we can let them all play together outside and in the pools etc.. I am excited about SPRING!!!


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